MOAACC Authors
Our chapter members are a unique group with the common experience of serving as leaders in the military or being military spouses. Many of our members have published books on a variety of topics, in non-fiction and fictional books.
The views expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent those of MOAA or MOAACC.
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First Lieutenant Lee Boyland, US Army (Former)
Lee is a graduate of NC State University with a BS in nuclear engineering. Following graduation, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the US Army Ordnance Corps. After completing his three years obligation for the Army, he entered the defense industry. He is the author of seven novels. He and his wife, Vista, live in Suntree.
The Rings of Allah is the first book of the Clash of Civilizations trilogy and a factual fictional story of how Islamic terrorists place nuclear devices in American cities.
Behold, an Ashen Horse is the second book of the series. The US government is destroyed one cabinet member becomes president and sets about saving the nation.
America Reborn, Book 3 tells the story of the president’s efforts to deal with the crisis, survivors, and beginning the process to re-elect the government.
Pirates and Cartels is Book 1 of a spinoff series, The Office of Analysis and Solutions or OAS, continues the story, where the action shifts to Mexico and Somalia.
Triple Threat, OAS Book 2 wraps up the Mexican cartel war and the jihadists attempt to assassinate the President.
Deep State Sedition, OAS Book 3, Antifa and the Deep State resort to violence to stop the president’s plans to re-elect the government. The Take Bake America plan is implemented.
Revolution 2016: Take Back America, is a satire on the Obama administration and the 2016 election. What if the president issues an illegal order?
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Colonel Thomas (Tom) Belisle, US Air Force (Retired)
Tom Belisle, with a career spanning forty-one years in the military and Aerospace Industry, brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his intriguing action thrillers. His writing style is a reflection of his combat aircraft and weapons background, as well as his extensive time spent at various locations worldwide. He has authored three thriller novels, with the most recent, Secret of the Crimson Sun, published in July 2024. His earlier books were Taking the Dream Spinner, published in May 2021, and his first novel, Raptor Bloom, published in April 2020. Tom and his wife Cathy reside in Viera, FL.
In Secret of the Crimson Sun, Ace ventures into a world that few Americans have dared to enter and live to tell the tale. North Korea, the secretive Hermit Kingdom, becomes a battleground of deceit, lies, and treason as unprecedented events unfold during an official delegation visit to Pyongyang. When Ace uncovers a closely guarded secret involving an insidious plan orchestrated by a group known as “Crimson Sun’, he becomes entwined in the conspirator’s deadly strategy. His courage and survival skills are put to the ultimate test as Crimson Sun is determined to keep their secret from being revealed by the American. The regime’s brutality and a clock ticking toward an explosive climax become Ace’s main obstacles in this seemingly impossible quest to prevent impending disaster from engulfing the Korean Peninsula.
Taking the Dream Spinner, the second novel in the series, pits Ace Black against a deadly band of terrorists intent on hijacking a Caribbean cruise ship out of Port Canaveral. Ace, his family, and friends become trapped in a floating prison, unwitting pawns in a struggle between good and evil. As the violence unfolds around them, rescue seems like a bleak possibility. They must count on Ace Black to figure out a way to stop the carnage unfolding around them.
Raptor Bloom, the first novel in the series, introduces fighter pilot Ace Black to the world. A true ace when it comes to piloting the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world, the F-22 Raptor stealth aircraft, Ace leads America's fight against a deadly Iranian plot to corrupt the most secretive technology in the United States. There's one chance to stop a rogue ayatollah from turning the Middle East into a flaming battlefield.
Buy the Book at using Amazon Books and Barnes & Noble links. Contact the Author via his email at

Captain Bill Muckler, US Marine Corps (Former)
Bill is a graduate of the University of Missouri-Columbia. Following graduation, he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the USMC through the OCS program. He spent over four years on active duty and 11 years as a Ready Reservist. He is the author of “20/20: A Clear Vision for America” and “2020: A Clear Vision for Our Future”. Bill lives in Cocoa and works with a variety of Veteran Service Organizations.
20/20: A Clear Vision for America provides practical solutions to reinstate our Constitution, bring prosperity to all, and give our children a brighter future.
20/20: A Clear Vision for Our Future traces the history of Our Constitution, the values of ownership and freedom, and how these concepts shaped America.
Contact the Author or buy the books at:

Major Joe Oblack, US Air Force (Retired)
After a career in the USAF, Joe worked in Tehran for the Lockheed Corporation. He and his family were there during the 1978-79 Iranian Revolution. He had a follow-on position in Saudi Arabia that helped motivate him to write Radical Islam Wins-The United Islamic States of America.
Radical Islam Wins-The United Islamic States of America is a fictional story of what could happen if we are not vigilant as radicals threaten to make war against us.
Contact the Author or buy the Book: Amazon Books

Jeanne Harris Weaver - Spouse Member
Jeanne is a Mother, Wife, and Artist. She created, in one year’s time, 21 paintings in honor and memory of her son Todd, killed in action in Kandahar, Afghanistan on 9 Sep 2010. The series is called Losing Todd: A Mother’s Journey. From that series she wrote a book with the same name published by The Muscarelle Museum of Art at The College of William and Mary.
Losing Todd: A Mother's Journey: Finding Peace in My Heart is her personal journey through her new 'state of being' as a Gold Star Mom with pride and a greater understanding of God's love and grace.
Contact the Author or buy the books at: Amazon Books, Books-A-Million or

LT Daniel Wilson, USN (UDT/SEAL) Retired
Dan served 22 years including 8 years with The Teams before earning his commission in the Medical Service Corp. He then served an additional 19+ years as the Navy Rep to develop and deploy a Management Software Application for Military Healthcare. Throughout the years, Dan has owned numerous businesses and has authored five books, including those featured here. His goal in life is to be an honorable father, a noble brother, and an encouraging mentor.
Playing the Trump Card, As America’s Civil War Continues as we stand on the precipice of a cliff, the 2020 elections may be our last FREE ACT!
The A.S.K. Force reveals the secret to knowing and achieving your life’s purpose and enjoying the ride using adventures from the UDT/SEALs and more.
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Major General Gregg Martin, US Army (Retired)
Gregg F. Martin, PhD, is a 36-year Army combat veteran, retired major general, and bipolar survivor and thriver. A former President of the National Defense University, Commandant of the Army War College, and Commander of Ft. Leonard Wood, he is a qualified Airborne-Ranger-Engineer soldier and Army Strategist. He holds advanced degrees from Mass. Institute of Technology, the Naval War College, and the Army War College, and a BS degree from West Point. He is the author of BIPOLAR GENERAL: My Forever War with Mental Illness. He currently resides with his wife in Cocoa Beach, Florida.
His forthcoming book (set for release 15 Sept 2023), Bipolar General: My Forever War With Mental Illness, is published by the Naval Institute Press and sponsored by the Association of the US Army. The book is at once shocking, terrifying, inspiring, and educational. It helps stop the stigma surrounding mental illness, promote healing, and save lives. It includes his service and success as an Army officer in which hyperthymia and mild bipolar disorder enhanced his performance, until they didn't; his bipolar crisis, which included full-blown mania where he was removed from command, forced to retire, and plunged him into a fight for his life; his recovery with help from his wife, family and excellent medical care from the VA; and his new life in Florida.
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CAPT William Toti, USN, (Retired)
Captain William Toti, US Navy (Retired) is author of “From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership.” He served for more than 26 years on active duty in the U.S. Navy, and for more than 15 years In industry running multi-billion-dollar global defense businesses, culminating in a role as CEO of Sparton Corporation. He has appeared in more than a dozen global release documentaries on the National Geographic Channel, PBS, Fox, and the History Channel. He is an honorary survivor of the World War II cruiser USS Indianapolis, and his experiences on 9/11 in the Pentagon were incorporated into the 2006 book, “Operation Homecoming.”
“From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership." Book description & reviews at:
Contact the Author or buy the Book: or on Amazon.

Colonel James (Jim) “Shotgun” Boyd, MD, USAF (Retired)
Jim had forty-one years of military service as an enlisted aircraft Crew Chief, a RED HORSE Carpenter, S-3B Naval Flight Officer, and Physician. He specialized in Aerospace Medicine keeping his medical career oriented around his love to fly, where he has logged time in forty two different aircraft in the Navy, Air Force, Army, Marines, and Coast Guard. From 2011 to 2013, Colonel Boyd made Air Force and Navy history by serving as the only Air Force physician to lead a Navy aircraft carrier’s medical department on the USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) as the Senior Medical Officer. Jim and his family live in Titusville, FL.
On The Brink is Jim’s first novel where he brought his various experiences together into a fast paced action novel. US Navy Commander Derek Lloyd, a former Navy SEAL, is now the Senior Medical Officer of an aircraft carrier, steaming in the Western Pacific, where he soon finds himself at the center of escalating events as nations maneuver for control of resources in the South China Sea.
Contact the Author or buy the Book: Amazon: or Click Here for Audible version.

CDR Thomas Koehl, USNR (Retired)
Thomas Koehl received his BA in History from the University of Dayton before being commissioned in the US Navy. He served for twenty-eight years, ten on active duty as a Surface Warfare Officer on board guided missile cruisers and destroyers. Tom served an additional eighteen years as a reserve intelligence officer and employed as a defense consultant. He developed the Combat System training for the Navy’s first AEGIS cruisers, then transitioned into media production for Navy, Air Force, and classified DoD projects. Sojourn in Hell is his first book.
“Sojourn in Hell” is the true story of an 82nd Airborne Division glider trooper’s wartime experience, from boot camp to prison camp.
Drafted for a year’s service in early 1941, Billy Condon never imagined he would go into combat in a “flying coffin”, but on September 23, 1944, the final airlift of Operation Market Garden, German anti-aircraft fire crippled his tow plane and his glider released early and landed deep in German-held territory.
Fighting for their lives against overwhelming German forces, they held out until their ammunition was exhausted and surrender was the only option. As prisoners of war, he and his men were subjected to forced marches in brutal winter conditions, horrendous boxcar rides, and plunged into the hell of German POW camps. Survival was always in doubt.
Contact the Author or buy the Book: Amazon: CLICK HERE
The Military Officers Association of America, Cape Canaveral Chapter (MOAACC) is an affiliate of the national Military Officers Association of America. MOAA is a nonprofit veterans’ association advocating for a strong national defense and protecting veteran’s rights and benefits. The views expressed by the authors do not necessarily represent those of MOAA or MOAACC.
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