MOAACC Board of Directors Meeting

Jun 16, 2020 9:30AM—11:00AM


Zoom Teleconferencing


Cost 0.0


MOAACC is conducting a Virtual Board of Directors meeting; members are welcome to attend ( Virtual Meeting URL enclosed). 

Due to the COVID 19 challenges/constraints, we had to cancel in-person meetings until further notice.  However,  we will be conducting this Board meeting via the Zoom Teleconferencing application.  This ensures compliance with CDC guidelines and still enables us to conduct MOAACC business.  Using the enclosed Zoom link, you will be able to attend virtually through your computer, through a Zoom phone application or you can dial in using your home or cell phone.  Thank you for your support as MOAACC GOES VIRTUAL!

Below are some basic Zoom instructions/training from Live Registered Training to Previously Recorded Training:
Getting Started with Zoom
Live Training Registration
Zoom Help Center