Joe Foss Institute
Veterans Back to Class/Joe Foss Institute: It works in Brevard County (Click Here for Details)
MOAACC and the Veterans Memorial Center (VMC) of Brevard County created a special program in 2015 in partnership with the Joe Foss Institute (JFI) in Arizona. Six years later it has proven its value in dozens of schools on the Space Coast, including public, private and home schooling groups. We call it Brevard Veterans Back to Class (BVBC).
- In the 2020-21 school year, COVOD19 forced us to scrub most in person visits, but our volunteers made over 12 videos on topics ranging from 9/11, to Veterans Day to the Revolutionary War, which were shown in dozens off Brevard Classrooms to thousands of students. Though there was no interaction or Q and A options, VBC worked with BPS to make sure the topics met course curriculum guidelines and gave the teachers some respite during an intense, revamped schedule of limited students each semester.
- In the 2019-20 School year, the VBC experience was a tale of two worlds. From September 2019 through 13 March 2020 when the schools shut down for the rest of the academic year to do distance learning, 13 VBC volunteers spoke at 16 schools to 2635 students and staff. We also completed a fully on line APP and Thumb Drive as well as a printed booklet to enable teachers to better request VBC support. From 14 March until early September 2020, VBC went silent in Brevard County as well as most of the country.
- In 2018-19, 14 veteran volunteers visited 24 schools and engaged 2890 students.
- In 2017-18, we held programs for 19 schools (many new ones) and met with 2492 students. (Note: Hurricane Irma and delays in Teacher Fall work days until winter hampered our plans that year).
- In 2016-17, our volunteers visited 19 schools including elementary, middle and high schools and talked with 6280 students.
- In 2020, JFI merged with Arizona State University and continues to cover costs supporting materials and provides lesson plans as needed. They certify volunteers and can help with scheduling in local schools. All our volunteers are approved by BCS.
- The Program offers links to the teachers who describe their needs for the presentations and offers at least 05 - 10 minutes each class period to the volunteer veteran to tell their story of service and how being a veteran has impacted their lives.
For More Information contact:
Donn Weaver (MOAACC and VMC Board): 757-871-6576
Dylan Dalzotto (JFI) 480-348-0316