Committees & Activities

Surviving Spouse/Auxiliary Liaison
The Chapter's Surviving Spouse/Auxiliary Liaison contact: MRS ELLIE JOY, SSM/Aux
History of the Program: MOAA recognized early on surviving spouses (over 61,000 in the organization) need the continued support of their chapters and with that in mind the Auxiliary Liaison position was established throughout the Chapters. Through this network the national organization keeps the local Liaison informed of new information critical to Auxiliary members and in turn the Liaison can report back to MOAA about issues at the grassroots level that need to be heard and addressed. The Auxiliary Liaison from MOAA Florida Council of Chapters is also active in this network.
The Chapter's Program: On the local level the Auxiliary Liaison contacts surviving spouses to make sure they understand they can become Auxiliary members and the advantages of doing so. She conveys MOAA Auxiliary news to the Chapter and to Auxiliary members as well as possible members through military wives clubs and through contributions to our newsletter The Intercom. She also organizes participation in local and national MOAA Auxiliary service projects.
AUX Liaison Honor Roll
Roslyn Bates was the first Chapter’s Auxiliary liaison and served with distinction in that position for over 25 years. In 2011 her excellence in her duties was recognized by MOAA Nation when she received from the Chairman of the MOAA Board of Directors “The MOAA Auxiliary Liaison of the Year Award”. Later that year she receive “The MOAA Gold Leadership Pin”, with a citation signed by the MOAA Chairman.
The current AUX Liaison Chair is ELLIE JOY and has served in this capacity since 2020.

Retiree Council
The Chapter's PAFB Commander's Retiree Advisory Council contact: Lt Col BRIAN WHALEN, USAF (RET)
MOAACC maintains a Retiree Advisory Council Liaison who attends monthly meetings at Patrick AFB and reports back to the membership at the Thursday Morning Breakfast Club.
Retiree Advisory Council (RAC) Charter
The Patrick Space Force Base, Space Launch Delta 45 Commander’s Retiree Advisory Council (RAC) is organized in accordance with Paragraph 8.4, Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-3106, Retiree Activities Program (PA), dated 30 July 2004.
The RAC is responsible to the Commander, Space Launch Delta 45, for the prompt and efficient fulfillment of the following:
- Assist and coordinate matters pertinent to the military retiree community.
- Improve Patrick Space Force Base retiree programs IAW AFI 36-3106.
- Monitor policies and disseminate information that impacts the military retiree community.
- Support the USSF/USAF program for interface between retirees and active duty service members.
- Support the programs and activities of the Patrick Space Force Base PAO.
Membership is open to all military groups and mission support organizations that have an impact on military retirees.
The installation Vice Commander will serve as the active duty coordinator.
The RAC members shall meet on the first Tuesday of every month at 1000 hours unless designated otherwise by either the RAC Chairperson or a majority vote of the RAC committee members present at the monthly meeting.
Written notice stating the place, date and time of regular meetings shall be documented in the minutes and distributed to each member at least five days before the meeting.

On-The-Go Luncheon

Current Affairs Forum
The Chapter's Current Affairs Forum contact: MAJ Mike Kahanca, USA Ret
- The Current Affairs Forum provides a means for disseminating, discussing, and exchanging information and opinion pertaining to geopolitics and current affairs.
- The format and meeting schedule are flexible and determined by the sitting Chair. While meetings are the most frequent activities, the Chair and others may use The Intercom and Web site as a vehicle for distributing information and stimulating interest. Guest speakers may be invited to Thursday Morning Breakfast Club (TMBC) meetings and special panels may be used/created for chapter activities.
- The meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month starting in January after TMBC at the 19th hole in Colony Hall at Indian River Colony Club. The meeting starts at 8:00 am.
- Information about the guest speakers can be found in The Intercom and on the web site Calendar list on the home page.
If you have suggestions for speakers or topics or you would like to make a presentation of interest on geopolitical or current affairs please contact the Current Affairs coordinator. MOAA National, the various State Councils and their affiliate chapters, including the Military Officers Association of America, Cape Canaveral (MOAACC), are all nonpartisan organizations so topics that could be construed as partisan are not suitable for this forum.

Military Affairs Council
The Military Affairs Council (MAC) is an all-volunteer group of Chamber Partners from the local area, both civilian and military, working together to enhance the quality of life in our community, especially for the enlisted members of the Services who are assigned to the Space Coast.
MAC monthly meetings are held the third Wednesday of each month from January through October. MOAACC is an active member of this Council since we share their goals of support to our military service members.
A MOAACC member serves as MOAACC's representative on that Council. He/she attends the monthly MAC meetings and reports their activities at the TMBC and here online.

Name Tags
Name Tag Chairman: COL Patrick J. Keane, USA Ret
The purpose of this committee is to supply name tags for members who wish to update, renew or add to their current name tags.
Any member of the Military Officers Association of America Cape Canaveral Chapter, Inc may purchase name tags.
Name tags may be ordered at the Thursday Morning Breakfast Meeting or at the Monthly Luncheon.
Name tags must be paid in advance at a cost of fifteen dollars ($15.00). Name tags may be picked up at the Chapter's Thursday Meeting or the Tuesday luncheon meeting. Name tags will NOT be delivered or mailed. Name tags are normally available within 14 days after ordering.

The purpose of a Commissary and Exchange Committee is to be a liaison between the Chapter and the individual in charge of the Commissary and Exchange. We ask that the Chapter be updated on changes in the stores such as pricing, new items, sales, Military star card uses, etc. This information is presented at the TMBC meetings. When new information is received a report will be written for The Intercom. The contact persons are called now and then to let them know we are still interested. Members also know they can use the “Exchange Buddy List”. By signing up at the Exchange office they will receive a special advertising brochure on all upcoming sales and promotions.
The chairman attends the Exchange Advisory Council quarterly meetings where MOAACC requests and suggestions are presented to the Advisory Council.

Community Service Opportunities
Chapter members support the community in several ways. Opportunities abound for those who wish to serve.
These include:
- Public speaking at a wide variety of organizations throughout Brevard County. Examples include: veterans groups, high schools, civic associations, and more. For a complete list of organizations we support with speakers, or to add your name to our list of speakers, see the Speakers Bureau tab on the homepage.
- Volunteer service at Patrick Space Force Base (PSFB) through Project Emeritus. MOAACC members serve as income tax preparers, legal assistants, and health clinic assistants, and more. For more information on how you can help, contact the Project Emeritus Project Officer at PSFB by calling 321 494-7656.
- The Transition and Career Service (TCS) committee maintains contact with several offices at PSFB and within the community through the Military Affairs Council of the Cocoa Beach Regional Chamber of Commerce. Our TCS team assists veterans who are nearing the end of their active or reserve military service. Types of assistance include tips on how to successfully transition from the military to either the private sector or to civil service positions. If you are interested in helping, or would like more information about the TCS program, see the TCS tab on the homepage.
Check out our one page FACT SHEET to be brought up to speed on what our chapter is doing to support our active duty, retired and former member military community. Read the FACT SHEET by clicking here. Spread the word to others to let them know how they can join this vibrant group.

Entertainment Committee
- Dinner dances;
- Installation Banquets;
- Past President's dinners;
- Bus and boat trips; and
- Picnics.
- Facilities;
- Musical and entertainment groups;
- Food and beverage services; and
- Transportation services.
- Coordinating events with chapter management;
- Maintaining fiscal controls to avoid significant losses or profit;
- Advertising events for maximum participation; and
- Ensure that events are efficiently organized (welcome and check-in, seat assignments, no conflict with other chapter activities, etc.).

Health of the Chapter
The Chapter's Health of the Chapter Program contact: MRS ELLIE JOY, SSM/Aux
This committee informs the Chapter membership (particularly those members who attend the Thursday Morning Breakfast Club) of fellow members who are ill or hospitalized so they can call, visit or send get well cards as appropriate.
The Committee Chair reports weekly at the TMBC on any members that she has heard (either from phone calls or through information given by other members or her own research) are ill or hospitalized.
The Chair of the committee distributes a Get Well sheet for each member who is ill or hospitalized at the TMBC for all present to sign and then mails or delivers the Get Well wishes personally.