Speakers Bureau

Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau

As a community service, the MOAACC Speakers Bureau provides presentations for community and club meetings, luncheons, dinners, reunions, schools, and special events. Our speakers are an experienced and diverse group.  All speakers are MOAACC members and former or current uniformed service officers, or family members.  Speakers are scheduled on request and available to speak on a variety of topics such as leadership, teamwork, history, patriotic themes, and others (see speaker profiles below).

For more information and to submit a request for a speaker, click the button below.

Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau
Speakers Bureau

The MOAACC’s Speakers Bureau contact is Colonel Steve Bond, USA Retired.

Interested in becoming a member of the MOAACC Speakers Bureau? Email us at SpeakersBureau@moaacc.org for information.

LCDR Dean Schaaf
LCDR Dean Schaaf

LCDR Dean O. Schaaf, US Navy (Retired)

Navy veteran of 26 years, serving in both the enlisted and commissioned officer ranks.  Joined the Navy as an Electronics Technician and was selected for the Naval Enlisted Scientific Program.  Attended the Naval Academy Preparatory School, then attended Purdue University earning a degree in Electrical Engineering and a commission as a Naval Officer.  He attended Naval Flight School to become a Flight Officer and earned his wings in the E-2C airborne early warning aircraft.  He later transitioned to the P-3C Orion anti-submarine warfare aircraft.  For his last three years in the Navy, he was assigned to the Department of Defense Space Shuttle Contingency Support Office at Patrick, AFB, serving to broker DoD support for the NASA Space Shuttle Program, including astronaut rescue.  Following his military service, he worked for NASA as a Ground Operations Manager, serving there 21 years on 112 Space Shuttle landing operations.  He finished his NASA career in charge of shuttle landings at the Kennedy Space Center.


  • Naval service, transitioning from enlisted to commissioned officer
  • Naval anti-submarine warfare and the Naval Sound Surveillance System (SOSUS)
  • DoD support to the Space Shuttle program and Space Shuttle Landing Operations
  • Anti-Submarine Warfare during the Cold War


MAJ Bill Adams
MAJ Bill Adams

Major William P. Adams, US Army Reserve (Retired)

Graduated from West Point in 1981 and commissioned a Lieutenant in the Field Artillery.  He served in cannon and missile units in the U.S. and Germany.  In 1988, he was assigned as Asst. Professor of Military Science at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY.  He left active duty in 1992, and entered the Army Reserve Component.  He now works as Director for an international Christian-charitable organization and performs volunteer service as Chaplain for MOAACC.


  • Israel and Middle East Affairs
  • Leadership the West Point Way
  • Faith-Based Solutions in a Complex Society

Recorded Presentations:

“Holiday Nostalgia…and Something Even Better”

LT Malcom Baird
LT Malcom Baird

Lieutenant Malcolm E. Baird, US Navy (Retired)

Mac served in the Submarine Force in Spain, Groton CT, and the Naval Test Ordinance Unit in Port Canaveral.  He attended Officer Candidate School and served on submarines, ship, and shore duty stations.  He holds a BS in Mathematics and Science from Rollins College, and an MS in Management from Florida Tech.  He was also a Manager with Computer Sciences Raytheon, an advisor with Merrill Lynch, and taught Project Management at Brevard Community College.


  • Life in the Submarine Force
  • Project Management and Leadership
  • Financial Planning

Recorded Presentations:

“Life in the Submarine Force”

COL Steve Bond, USA (RET)
COL Steve Bond, USA (RET)

Colonel Stephen J. Bond, US Army (Retired)

US Army veteran having served as an Infantry and Military Intelligence Officer. Also served as a US Government Senior Executive (SES), Transition Team Director in Iraq, 2008-09. Veteran of Military Operations in Panama (Just Cause), Haiti, the Gulf Wars (Desert Shield/Storm, & Iraqi Freedom) and others. Master Parachutist and Ranger qualified. Graduate of the Army Command & General Staff College, Army War College, and holds a Master’s Degree in History.


  • Military History & US History
  • Operations Just Cause (Panama), Desert Shield/Storm (Gulf War), and Iraqi Freedom
  • Leadership and Teamwork

Recorded Presentations:

COL Kenneth H. Boll, Jr.
COL Kenneth H. Boll, Jr.

COL Kenneth H. Boll, Jr., US Army (Retired)

Career US Army Military Intelligence Corps officer. Graduate of the Armed Forces Staff College, the Army War College, and the Defense Intelligence College with a Master of Science degree in Strategic Intelligence Management. Veteran of conflicts in Panama (Operation JUST CAUSE) and Southwest Asia (Operations DESERT SHIELD/DESERT STORM). Other assignments include G2 (Senior Intelligence Officer) of the Third Infantry Division (Mechanized} and Director of Security for Fort Stewart, GA. Qualified Joint Specialty Officer and served in key positions in US Southern Command, Central Command, and Pacific Command.


  • Operation JUST CAUSE and Operations DESERT SHIELD/STORM
  • Military and US History
  • Coalition Warfare
  • International terrorism
  • The Rise and Fall of Republics
MG Ed Wilson

Major General Ed Wilson, US Air Force (Retired)

Former Commander of the 45th Space Wing and Director of the Eastern Range, responsible for the processing and launch of satellites from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.  Graduate of the USAF Academy, received an M.S. in Electrical/Computer engineering from Northeastern University, and an M.A. from the USAF School of Advanced Airpower Studies.  Following his retirement with over 30 years in the USAF, he served as a Senior Civilian Government Appointee as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy.  He is currently the founder and CEO of Pinnacle Strategic Consulting, LLC.


  • Cyber Operations
  • Space Operations
  • Leadership
CWO4 Dan McIntyre
CWO4 Dan McIntyre

Chief Warrant Officer-4 Dan S. McIntyre, US Coast Guard Reserve (Retired)

Southern Technical Institute graduate, with an AS in Mechanical Technology.  Enlisted in the Coast Guard Reserve in 1960.  Served 42 Years in USCGR including eight years of active duty and 2½ years as an instructor at the Coast Guard Academy Leadership Development Institute.  Retired in 2005 as a CWO4 Naval Engineer.  Worked Xerox Corporation for 32 Years in Product Development, Service Management, Training, and Performance Excellence.


  • S. Coast Guard History and Missions
  • The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Myers Briggs Personality Type Indicator
  • Leadership and Management
Captain Bill Muckler
Captain Bill Muckler

Captain Bill Muckler, US Marine Corps (Former)

Veteran, Author, Visionary, Entrepreneur, and Problem Solver.  Born in St. Louis, he has a B.A. from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Bill founded Muckler Typographic Corporation in St. Louis. He also worked as a Work Process Management Professional for 40 years.  Bill later became the owner of his own management and leadership, and work process implementation consultancy.


  • American Government
  • United States Constitution
  • American History
  • Business Solutions

Recorded Presentations:

"The Battle of Iwo Jima"

LCDR Amir Pishdad Jr.
LCDR Amir Pishdad Jr.

Lieutenant Commander Amir Pishdad Jr., US Navy SEAL (Retired)

Qualified as a Navy UDT/SEAL (in the Only SEAL Training Class that no one Quit), Deployed with Underwater Demolition Team Twenty-One & SEAL Team TWO.  Requested by the Navy to return serving as the Diving Officer with Underwater Demolition Team ELEVEN. Original member of SEAL Team FIVE. Graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University.


  • Motivation & Productivity
  • Leadership Skills Building
  • Teamwork Development
  • History of Special Warfare (Navy FROGMEN)
Larry Sanford
Larry Sanford

LT Laurence F. Sanford, US Navy (Former)

Boston College Graduate and earned an MBA from Babson College. Served as a communications officer aboard a destroyer in the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet, followed by service in the CIA clandestine service. He was an executive in several international companies, lived in Hong Kong for two years, and has visited 50 countries. As an entrepreneur, he founded a multi-million dollar distribution corporation in Metro Boston. He is now Senior Analyst with the American Security Council Foundation in Florida and President of the Association of Former Intelligence Officers - Florida Satellite Chapter.


  • U.S. National Security Issues
  • China Threat
  • Radical Islam
COL Jeff Rogers
COL Jeff Rogers

Colonel Jeffrey C. (Jeff) Rogers, US Army (Retired)

Graduated from West Point and served on active duty for 26 years - first as an Infantry Officer in heavy, light infantry, and Ranger units, including a combat tour in Vietnam as a rifle platoon leader. He later served in numerous Finance & Comptroller command and staff positions to include Commander of the 106th Finance Battalion in Germany, Commandant of the U.S. Army Finance School, Commander of the 175th Theater Finance Command in Korea, and Chief of Program & Budget for U.S. Army Europe.  Following his military retirement, he served with SAIC as a Vice President for Program Management, Senior Program Manager, and mentor for aspiring SAIC executives.


  • Leadership
  • Effective Communications
  • Experiences as a Combat Infantry Leader in Vietnam
MAJ George Rosenfield
MAJ George Rosenfield

Major George H. Rosenfield, US Army (Retired)-WW II and Korean War Vet

During World War II, served with the 10th Mountain Division (Ski Troops) with combat duty in Italy.  He later served 5 years as a Regular Army Engineer Officer and served 13 months in Korea, from the Pusan breakout to construction of the conference camp at Panmunjom.  He holds a Master’s degree from New York State College, and a Bachelor’s degree from University of Massachusetts.


  • Army Ski Troops in WW II & Combat in Cold Weather Conditions
  • Korean War and Ethical decisions in combat
  • Global Warming
  • NASA work experience
LTC Skip Taylor
LTC Skip Taylor

Lieutenant Colonel Harry “Skip” Taylor, US Army (Retired)

Served 31 years in the US Army as a Combat Infantryman in Vietnam, Protocol Officer, and Defense Attaché.  Veterans Service Officer for Disabled American Veterans, Veterans Treatment Court Mentor, Chair of IRCC Foundation, President of the Military Society of the Blue Badge (CIB), and Board Member of MOAACC Good Deeds Foundation.  He holds a Master’s Degree in Business and Public Administration.


  • NATO and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
  • Military History & US History
  • Leadership and Teamwork
CAPT Steve Cusick
CAPT Steve Cusick

Captain Steve Cusick, US Navy (Retired)

Naval Aviator and Surface Warfare Officer, with 24 years of service in Aircraft Carrier operations.  Florida attorney, service with the Navy Office of General Counsel and Corporate attorney with high technology companies in the space coast region. Aviation safety professor at the Florida Institute of Technology.  Graduate of the University of Louisville, Bachelor of Science and Juris Doctor (Law).


  • Aviation Safety – Author of university textbook
  • Navy Aircraft Carrier Operations
  • US Government Contract Law


CAPT William Toti
CAPT William Toti

CAPT William "Bill" Toti, US Navy (Retired)

Author of “From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership” and is a frequent commentator on News Nation.  Served for more than 26 years on active duty in the U.S. Navy, and for more than 15 years in industry running multi-billion-dollar global defense businesses, culminating in a role as CEO of Sparton Corporation.  He has appeared in documentaries on the National Geographic Channel, PBS, Fox, and the History Channel.  Honorary survivor of the World War II cruiser USS Indianapolis, and his role in exonerating that ship’s captain was covered in the 2018 book “Indianapolis” by Lynn Vincent and Sara Vladic, published by Simon & Schuster.  His experiences on 9/11 in the Pentagon were incorporated into the 2006 book, “Operation Homecoming,” published by the National Endowment for the Humanities.  Currently serves as co-host of the popular YouTube podcast, “The Unauthorized History of the Pacific War."


  • Leadership & Doing The Right Thing
  • Finding yourself "In The Momemt"
  • Helping Veterans Succeed
  • History of World War II in the Pacific / USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
  • 9/11 in the Pentagon

Topics Overview at: https://williamtoti.com/guest-speaking/

9/11 Presentation: https://youtu.be/wLQT7JE63v8

CPT Donn Weaver
CPT Donn Weaver

CPT Donn Weaver, USA, Former

Served in Korea and during the Vietnam era in the Infantry.  Attended graduate school on the GI Bill and spent 44 years as a career diplomat with the Department of State serving in 8 countries and learning 5 foreign languages.  Donn has been on contract with DoD and DoS for 14 years after retirement and volunteers in a number of Brevard veteran organizations.  He has extensive teaching and public speaking experience and coordinates the Veterans in the Classroom program in Brevard Co.


  • Foreign Service and Being a Diplomat Abroad
  • Current Affairs, Africa, Eastern Europe, inside stories on the fall of the Soviet Union
  • Veteran matters, the Veterans Memorial Center, Missing in America Project
  • Gold Star Family and Service/Sacrifice
LT Daniel Wilson
LT Daniel Wilson

Lieutenant Daniel E. Wilson, USN Retired – UDT/SEAL

Retired Naval officer with 22 years of service in both the enlisted and officer ranks. Also served 19 years as Program Manager for DoD Health Facilities Management projects. He has authored numerous books, hosted a nationwide radio program (America’s Champions), and has been a guest speaker at various leadership and social venues around the nation. He is an active member of the UDT/SEAL Association, SEAL Museum, and MOAA.


  • Pursuit of Purpose
  • Building on America’s Founding Ideals
  • A Faith Based Perspective on Military Service
COL Lee Wyatt
COL Lee Wyatt

Colonel Lee T. Wyatt, III, US Army (Retired)

B.A, M.A., Ph.D. in History.  Graduate of Marine Corps Command and Staff College and National War College.  Associate Professor and Deputy Head of Department of History, U.S. Military Academy at West Point.  Publications: Book – The Industrial Revolution (Greenwood Press, 2009) and more than 30 articles and conference papers on European, American, military and Holocaust topics.


  • Declaration of Independence, Constitutional Convention, and the Constitution
  • George Washington and his close associates
  • Armistice Day, November 11, 1918
  • The Holocaust
  • Dropping of the atomic bomb in 1945
CAPT Rita Shapiro
CAPT Rita Shapiro

Captain Rita Shapiro

US Public Health Service (Retired)

Served in the U.S. Navy Medical Service Corps and the U.S. Public Health Service at various locations across the United States, including at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda MD, U.S. Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, D.C., and the Defense Center of Excellence for Traumatic Brain Injuries in Silver Springs MD.   In September 2001, she helped mobilize 900+ members of the Naval Reserve for the movement of the hospital ship USNS Comfort to New York after the 9/11 terror attack. She is a licensed Physical Therapist. Her education includes a BS in Physical Therapy, MA in Management, MA in National Security and Strategic Studies, and Doctorate in Physical Therapy.


  • Health and Fitness
  • Navy Medical Services Opportunities
  • Experiences with USPHS
  • Naval Academy Admissions
Colonel Susan Daberowski
Colonel Susan Daberowski

Colonel Susan (Susie) Dabrowski

US Air Force (Retired)

Served over 26 years in the US Air Force. Her career included various positions in space and nuclear high impact operations, staff leadership, and technical program management.  She served in Europe and the Pacific theaters, and in five Joint Commands.  Upon retirement, she served as a Program Manager for a Defense Business System and subsequently directed USSTRATCOM’s Organizational Management activities. She enjoys retired life on the Florida Space Coast and visiting with her two children; a daughter, a Coast Guard Cutterman; and a son, a Space Force Engineer.  She is currently the Vice President, Southeast Region, Space Force Association.


  • US Space Force & US Space Command
  • Space Force Association
  • US Strategic Command
  • Ground Launched Cruise Missile & Titan II Missiles
Louis “Lou” Hoffman
Louis “Lou” Hoffman

Lieutenant Colonel Louis “Lou” Hoffman

US Army (Retired)

Career “Green Beret” and Government Civilian serving in Special Forces and Special Operations. Military specialties included Infantry, Special Operations, and Electronic Warfare. Assignments included Counter Drug Programs, Military Contracting, Civil-Military Programs, and the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. Civilian education includes Master of Arts (MA) in Public Administration (Justice Administration & National Strategic Affairs); MA in Procurement and Acquisitions Management; Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology; and Associates Degree in Business Management. Specialties include Level III Program Manager in Army’s Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (AL&T) Workforce supporting Army Special Forces, DoD Special Operations, and Defense Intelligence. Operational assignments in Afghanistan, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, Canada, Mexico, Alaska, and with Native Americans.


  • Leadership and Management
  • Special Operations and Military Intelligence
  • Counter Drug Operations
  • Civil Military Programs
  • Procurement and Acquisitions Management
MG Gregg Martin
MG Gregg Martin

Major General Gregg Martin, US Army (Retired)

Gregg Martin, PhD, is a 36-year Army combat veteran, retired major general, and bipolar survivor and thriver.  A former President of the National Defense University, Commandant of the Army War College, and Commander of Ft. Leonard Wood, he is a qualified Airborne-Ranger-Engineer soldier and Army Strategist.  He holds advanced degrees from Mass. Institute of Technology, the Naval War College, and the Army War College, and a BS degree from West Point.  He is the author of BIPOLAR GENERAL: My Forever War with Mental Illness.  He currently resides with his wife in Cocoa Beach, Florida.


  • My Story: BIPOLAR GENERAL--Bipolar Disorder: it can help you until it doesn’t - a double-edged sword
  • Mental Health IS health, and it involves EVERYONE!
  • Leadership from direct/tactical leadership, up through indirect/strategic leadership
Jane A. Hodges, Ph.D.
(Retired NASA, Brevard County School System)
Jane A. Hodges, Ph.D. (Retired NASA, Brevard County School System)

Jane A. Hodges, Ph.D.
(Retired NASA, Brevard County School System)

Dr. Jane Hodges directed aerospace education for the USAF/Civil Air Patrol, was a Search & Rescue Pilot, and held the rank of Major in the USAF/CAP.  Over her 50-year career, she coordinated education programs in NASA’S Public Affairs Directorate at Kennedy Space Center, taught in Brevard County Schools, and traveled to over 80 countries, many as a speaker at international conferences.  Jane has earned a total of 7 degrees, including two (2) PhDs and a law degree from Emory University in 2016.  In Dec. 2021, she received the National Space Club Cape Canaveral Chapter Lifetime Achievement Award.


  • Space Shuttle Program
  • Integrating Aerospace Science into the Curriculum
  • Reminisces of Aerospace Around the World

The Military Officers Association of America, Cape Canaveral Chapter (MOAACC) is an affiliate of the national Military Officers Association of America.  MOAA is a nonprofit veterans’ association advocating for a strong national defense and protecting veteran’s rights and benefits.  The views expressed by the speakers do not necessarily represent those of MOAA or MOAACC.

Interested in becoming a member of the MOAACC Speakers Bureau? Email us at SpeakersBureau@moaacc.org for information.

"Never Stop Serving"